This blog is created as a personal challenge to push myself by creating an art every single day. I haven't had the time in the past to do this kind of exercise since I was so caught up with the many stresses in running a one-man studio, working all day to the wee hours of the night just to keep up with deadlines and bills. It has also been a long time since I've really sat down and draw, even my DEVIANTART GALLERY is so outdated that missed the good old days. Now I'm relearning things, sharpening and honing my skills and I know it'll be fun.
I decided that I wouldn't go with a specific theme for the challenge so it could be any topic from which I may have took inspiration, to a crazy confusing dream that haunts me at night, to what I’m feeling at the moment, or even suppressed emotions that I may have a hard time venting out. Oftentimes, these illustrations are drawn, scanned, and then colored in Adobe Photoshop or purely digital art – the featured art dailies could be finished or unfinished, experimental, quirky, sweet, vulgar, and out of this world strange. But all in all, these are a glimpse and a reflection of the kind of person that I am.
So, I hope you enjoy them and comments are always appreciated. You can also share it at Facebook or email the link to a friend.
P.S. I kindly ask not to hot link the images here to other sites and forums or even use them without permission or proper credit. Linking this blog to anywhere is perfectly fine. Thanks.